REACT Annual General Meeting Amsterdam: 10 + 11 April 2025

The Anti-Counterfeiting Network


Market Enforcement

Despite the growth of online sales, the monitoring of suspect shops, markets and bazaars is still an important activity for React.

Market monitoring

Our large network enables us to perform on site investigations, inspections and test purchases in over 120 countries.
We monitor markets worldwide and take immediate practical enforcement action when counterfeit products are being found.

Market surveys

Market surveys are carried out regularly by React inspectors at a low fee. React has set up an intensive program and covers all the notorious markets world wide.
The excellent cooperation with authorities which has been developed with React in so many years, results in successful enforcement.

React Investigations


  • Market surveys worldwide
  • Inspections, test purchases and investigations of markets, shops and stands
  • Assisting authorities in market raids
  • Legal follow up
  • Joint actions (multiple Members)
  • React training program