REACT Annual General Meeting Amsterdam: 10 + 11 April 2025

The Anti-Counterfeiting Network


Important raid actions in Spain


Relevant raid action in Zaragoza

After months of investigations, and thanks to the support and work of different Police expert Units, on February 26th, a relevant Raid Action was carried out, within the framework of the fight against counterfeiting, and the effective Police enforcement has been a real success. 

A criminal complaint was filed on behalf of several members, against the allegedly responsible for a website which commercialized counterfeiting products through internet and franchise network of Outlet stores with its own denomination.  

Finally, last February 26th, jointly with, among others, one of our experts, the Raid Action took place at one of the official stores and warehouse. The development of the intervention was intense and hard, not only because of the high volume of counterfeiting products, but the good quality of them. 

Due to the significance and success of this intervention in terms of Industrial Property, both, national and local media, have picked up the story, having been considered for some of them, as one of the most important networks dismantled. 

This network, with headquarters in Zaragoza, under the belief of being offering to the consumer through its own Outlet stores, garments bearing a high number of well-known brands, was commercializing counterfeit products of high quality and in high quantity. 

Currently, investigations are ongoing and shortly the Court proceedings will start.  


Important raid action in Tenerife

In order to face the summer season, in this occasion we focused on Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands most affected by the counterfeits. 

After internal investigations that we carried out from REACT SPAIN, we filed the appropriated complaint before the Police on behalf of several REACT members. Subsequently, the intervention took place at a well-known beach area of Adeje with very good results, regarding which, different media have echoed.   

More than 4,000 different products (watches, handbags and accessories, sport garments and even electronic products) bearing well-known brands, were seized, and more than half of the trademarks affected are REACT MEMBERS. 

The estimation of damages caused to the brands that has been calculated by Police, for the moment is around more than euro 1,500,000. 

Please contact React Spain for more information:
