New:Global market survey program

During our General Assembly in March in Amsterdam our Global Market Survey Programme (MSP) was launched.
The MSP is a follow-up of our successful European Land Lord Liability project which is organized in cooperation with BASCAP. Because of React's global network of local partners and offices we are in a position to provide you a full inside on local markets and hotspots at which your counterfeits products might be offered. With our wide base of members we can organize such market surveys at very low fees. Our Members can subscribe to one or more market surveys via our React Portal and after the survey you will obtain a full report of each market selected, products offered including images and seller details. This report could serve as further evidence to initiate enforcement action against the seller(s) and/or Landlord, taking into account the best local (legal) remediesavailable. The enforcement can be organised by React but you may decide to follow up with another service provider
Already quite a lot of markets have been uploaded on our portal and during the year more will be added.
For more information, please contact Bjorn Grootswagers at