Expansion of React! 10 new partnerships

This summer was good for the expansion of React! We have 10 new partnerships in Montenegro, Czech R/Slovakia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Ukraine. But also in Indonesia, Myanmar, Cambodja and Malaysia.
Radonjic Associates;
Key partners: Vladimir Radonjic, Maja Velimirovic, Damjan Milic, Katarina Ivanovic
We have worked without a partnership in Montegro so far. Better to complete the partnerships in all countries in the region
Czech Republic and Slovakia
Petr Holy/Marketa Shubik:
We change our set up in Czech R/Slovakia from a React agency (for more than 10 years) into a partnership. With the agency, React takes the full office costs, whereas in a partnership, we pay per case. Two reasons for the change:
- An ongoing deficit situation for React since the number of cases in Cz Republic decreased
- We wanted to raise the legal level of the services rendered in these countries
Marketa has partnered with Peter Holy (who worked for Rott, Ruzcika and Guttmann and various other reputed IP firms in Prague. Petr is a very experienced IP lawyer and in the new set up he will manage the legal part and Marketa the practical on the ground services. The fees chart for Czech R/Slovakia will remain unchanged
Keypartner: Viktoriya Ostapchuk, v.ostapchuk@synergy.ua
Ukraine is becoming more important in anti-counterfeiting due to an increasingly active customs. We already have a partner lawfirm but the volume is such that we prefer to offer our members an alternative option.
Further enquiries: ksarzickas@react.org
Fina LLP
Keypartner: MR. Nariman Ramazanov
This partnership is to complete our presence in the Caucasus region
Further enquiries: ksarzickas@react.org
Siarhej Zikratski Law Agency
Keypartner: Serhei Zikratski, sz@ziz.by
Belarus customs has become more active. In order to provide our members an option for enforcement, we opted for the partnership with this recommended lawfirm
Further enquiries: ksarzickas@react.org
SIngle practicioner: Alisher Rahmatov (lawyer)
In order to complete our presence in Central Asia, we have concluded the partnership with the private practicioner who was recommended by members.
Further enquiries: ksarzickas@react.org
V Chong W Lam Advocates and Solicitors, Kuala Lumpur
Key partners – Vincent Chong and Wendy Lam
Although enforcement in Malaysia not often requires the invovlement of a lawyer, we still propose this partnership for the following reasons:
Sometimes brands need to issue a legal letter or file a civil suit. As an alternative service provider for our partner Osiris.
Further enquiries: jonselva@react.org
Daruherdani, Sibrani & Co
Key partner: Benhard Sibarani
Law firm that are currently supporting our members, Bosch, Hyundai, Philips, Epson, Harley Davidson and have been providing good services so far at relatively fair rates, particularly compared to the exorbitant fees charged by other service providers in Indonesia.
Further enquiries: jonselva@react.org
Myanmar and Cambodia
Access Asia Consulting
Key partner: Chandler Vandergrift
This consulting firm is based in Bangkok but they have been able to provide services in Myanmar and Cambodia through their local partners at reasonable fees. They recently went to Shanghai and presented to our members. They have been providing services to one of our members in Myanmar recently with a good result
Further enquiries: jonselva@react.org