DWZ: processes products into residual components and are given a second life
React's subsidiary DWZ BV destroys all counterfeit goods in the Netherlands that have been stopped by customs. At DWZ, the counterfeit goods are irreparably destroyed and the remnants divided over more than 40 main categories of components. DWZ manages to recycle up to 98% of the residual components and yearly processes over 400.000 kg of items.
Did you know, for example, that the production of 1 kg of cotton emits an average of 1.8 kg of CO2 and requires 13 thousand liters of water?
Because DWZ processes the products into residual components, these components are given a second life. This saves CO2 emissions as well as water consumption. This way, DWZ contributes to a better environment together with all of Reacts members.
In addition to destroying counterfeit goods, DWZ also processes commercial parties that are authentic. Currently, DWZ has capacity left and DWZ can destroy and recycle your old or unsaleable stocks in an environmentally friendly way. If you happen to have supplies for destruction via recycling in Western Europe or The Benelux, please contact us at customs@react.org for a free quote. For more information about DWZ, please visit www.dwzbv.nl.